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Tag Archives: Independent voters

What’s the Outlook for American Democracy?

The fate of our Democracy is on the ballot this fall. The crucial test is whether a Constitutional coalition of Democrats, independents and Liz Cheney Republicans can stop the Trump attempt to win major offices and take control of running future elections in battleground states. The media treats the 2022 campaign as a rerun of the traditional Red […]

Will GOP Splits Foil the Trump Strategy?

Olga, Washington – The media keeps telling us that 70 percent of Republicans still back the bogus claim that the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump. But for this November, keep your eye on the 20 to 30 percent of Republicans who reject the Big Lie. They’re likely to cast the deciding votes in […]

Alaska OKs Reforms to Break Partisan Gridlock

Washington – Given the drumbeat of grim news about the coronavirus  and the interminable imbroglio over Donald Trump’s inability to accept defeat, how about some good news for a change? Good news about a grassroots citizen coalition winning a stunning victory to reform elections in Alaska. Yes, while the lower 48 states are mired in […]

How Reformers Beat Koch Bros. in South Dakota   

Sioux Falls –Time and again, opinion polls tell us that 70%, 80% and even 90% of Americans believe our political system is broken but think there’s nothing We the People can do about it. Perhaps a progressive state like California or Massachusetts might pass an isolated reform, but the political cognoscenti regard the rest of […]

The Untold Story of Campaign 2016

Washington – The untold story of Campaign 2016 is that political reform is on the move in grass roots America. Not just Bernie Sanders’s trumpet call for a political revolution, but citizen movements at the state level pressing for political reforms against Citizens United, partisan gerrymandering and dark money to make elections fairer, ease gridlock in […]

The Green Light for Voter Reform of Gerrymandering

OLGA,WA – If you care about American democracy and you’re sick of politicians’ clinging to power by concocting political monopolies in their home districts, then take heart – and take a cue – from the recent Supreme Court decision that casts a shadow on partisan gerrymandering. Take note, too, that in Florida the state supreme […]
