Reclaim the American Dream

Let's Reclaim the American Dream

an informational website to help

Restore Democracy, Reduce Inequality,

Rebuild Power of the People

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It’s Up to Us


Our political system is broken. Our economy isn’t fair. We keep telling Washington to fix things, but Washington has been corrupted by MegaMoney and captured by crony capitalism. We can’t wait any longer. It’s time for us to take action.

We get it, but we’re not sure where to begin. People worry that reform is impossible. Not true. It’s already happening in many places. Average Americans are making change happen at the grass roots. Their stories are inspiring. We can learn from them. Working together in our home states and communities, We the People can reclaim the American Dream.

That’s what this website is for – for sharing progress, restoring democracy, making our economy fairer. Our mission is to help you make change. We are non-partisan. We don’t have one pet solution we’re pushing. We’ve profiled several issues, including voting rights. We’ll do more. You decide. The main point is for you to get engaged, get active.

Our goal is to help you get started. Newcomers need an entry point to various pathways of reform. So we’re your gateway. We’re here to explain the issues. To show you where things are happening. To tell you success stories. To help you connect with organizations already at work on reform. So let’s get started.

Learn More 

We Can Do This – Learn from Grassroots Movements

The best way to gain confidence in progressive reform is to read success stories from other states. They’re inspiring and you can learn a lot from how they got results. Click on each one to learn more.


Image Map Washington Oregon California Colorado Tennessee Florida Massachusetts & New Hampshire Maine & Connecticut

Getting Started

Get Up to Speed on Reform Issues

To be an effective advocate for reform, it’s essential to get informed on the issues. So we’ve pulled together issue briefings on several topics and we’ll keep expanding this list. Click on the icons to get briefed.

Progressive Reforms: See Where Things Are Happening

If you’re looking for a roadmap, chances are you’ll find it here. Change is not a myth. It’s a reality. People are winning reforms through grass roots citizen action all across America. Click on our progress reports below to see – ballot initiatives, new laws enacted, actions taken, reforms working.

People Power Tool Box: Get Briefed and Get Moving

Knowledge is power. Change doesn’t happen on its own. It takes ideas. It takes know-how. It takes the confidence you gain from tapping into a network of experience and learning from models of success forged by others. This is what our civic action tool box gives you.

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