Reclaim the American Dream

Organizations: Public Funding of Elections

Public Funding of Elections:
Groups Empowering Average Voters

Organizations Working on This Issue

There are a variety of organizations that advocate for small donor public funding of elections, both in Washington, DC and across the nation. Listed below are several major national organizations that advocate for public funding. The staffs and websites of these organizations provide a wealth of information and analysis about campaign finance reform and public funding of elections on both the state and federal levels.

American Enterprise Institute

14150 17th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036
(202) 862-5800

Political Scientist, Resident Scholar: Norman J. Ornstein – [email protected] & (202) 862-5893
Associate, Media Relations: Megan Cahill – [email protected] & (202) 862-7155

AEI’s mission is “to defend the principles and improve the institutions of American freedom and democratic capitalism—limited government, private enterprise, individual liberty and responsibility, vigilant and effective defense and foreign policies, political accountability, and open debate.”

Brennan Center for Justice

New York University
161 Avenue of the Americas, 12th floor
New York, New York 10013
(626) 292-8310

President: Michael Waldman

The Brennan Center is a nonpartisan law and policy institute at New York University that seeks to improve our systems of democracy and justice. Its work ranges from Voting Rights to campaign finance reform, from racial justice in criminal law to Constitutional protection in the fight against terrorism.

Campaign Legal Center

1411 K St. NW, Suite 1400
Washington, DC 20005
(202) 736-2200

President and General Counsel: Trevor Potter
Executive Director: J. Gerald Hebert
Policy Director: Meredith McGehee

The Campaign Legal Center is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that protects and strengthens our democracy in the areas of campaign finance, voting rights, political communication, and government ethics.

Common Cause

1133 19th Street NW, 9th Floor
Washington, DC 20036
(202) 833-1200

President: Karen Hobert Flynn
Vice President for State Operations: Jenny Rose Flanagan
National Grassroots Organizer: Isabella Bronstein

Common Cause, which is working for honest, open, and accountable government, has staff and chapters in 35 states and members in all 50 states. The Common Cause website has a map that you click on to see if there is a chapter near you.

Democracy 21

2000 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20036
(202) 355-9600

President: Fred Wertheimer

Democracy 21 works on campaign finance reform to eliminate the undue influence of big money in American politics, prevent government corruption, empower citizens in the political process and ensure the integrity and fairness of government decisions and elections.


220 Fifth Avenue, Second Floor
New York, NY 10001
(212) 633-1405

Heather McGee, President

Demos means “the People.” It is a public policy organization working for an America where we all have an equal say in our democracy and an equal chance in our economy.

Issue One (formerly Fund for the Republic)

11 Dupont Circle, Suite 350
Washington, DC 20036
(202) 299-0265

Executive Director: Nick Penniman
Director for External Affairs: Barbara Lawton

The fund is a nonprofit grant-making organization committed to putting everyday citizens back in control of our democracy by reducing the influence of well-financed special interests over American politics and policy-making.


2223 Shattuck Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94704
(510) 868-0894

President & Co-Founder, Daniel G. Newman
Vice President of Communications and Editorial Director, Pamela Behrsin

MapLight is a nonpartisan research organization that reveals money’s influence on politics. They research and compile data about the sources of campaign contributions in U.S. presidential, congressional, state, and local ballot and candidate elections. Maplight provides journalists and citizens with transparency tools that connect data on campaign contributions, politicians, legislative votes, industries, companies, and more to show patterns of influence never before possible to see. These tools allow users to gain unique insights into how campaign contributions affect policy so they can draw their own conclusions about how money influences our political system. To see the role of money in elections in your specific area visit Maplight’s Voter’s Edge page here.

National Council of State Legislatures

444 North Capitol St., NW, Suite 515
Washington, DC 20001
(202) 624-5400
7700 East First Place,
Denver, CO 80230
(303) 364-7700

Morgan Cullen, for further information on campaign finance, see their website.

Public Campaign

1133 19th Street NW, 9th Floor
Washington, DC 20036
(202) 640-5600

President: Nick Nyhart
VP for Outreach and Operations: Betty Ahrens

Public Campaign provides support for local community groups engaged in state and municipal campaigns to enact public funding of election systems and seeks to build a network of national and state-based efforts to create a powerful national force for federal and state campaign reform.

Public Citizen

1600 20th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20009
(202) 588-1000

President: Robert Weissman
Policy Director: Craig Holman

Public Citizen lobbies for the public interest before Congress, serving as the people’s voice in Washington to ensure that all citizens are represented in the halls of power.

U.S. PIRG (Public Interest Research Group)

294 Washington, St., Suite 500
Boston, MA 02108
(617) 747-4370

Executive Director: Andre Delattre
Consumer Program Director: Ed Mierzwinski
Democracy Campaign Director: Dan Smith

Colorado Public Interest Research Group
President, Chairman: Douglas H. Phelps
1543 Wazee St., Ste. 330
Denver, CO 80202
(303) 573-7474

In its Democracy for the People program, U.S. PIRG is pushing back against big money in our elections and working to institute a system of small donor incentive programs, to amplify the voices of the American People over corporations, Super PACs, and the super-wealthy.


Issue Brief  Progress Report Success Story Additional Readings 

More Resources to Help You Empower Voters – Public Campaign Funding