Where to Get Help:
Foster Inclusive Capitalism

Foster Inclusive Capitalism
Organizations Working on This Issue
There are a variety of organizations that advocate for new laws, new corporate management philosophies, wider employee ownership, and other methods of reducing economic inequality in America and for sharing the fruits of the nation’s growth and prosperity more widely. Listed below are several of the major national organizations that are engaged in these issues. The staffs and websites of these organizations provide a wealth of information and analysis about more inclusive capitalism in America today through actions in the private sector and through public policy, both at the state, regional and national levels.
American Enterprise Institute
14150 17th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036
(202) 862-5800
Director of Economic Policy Studies: Kevin Hassett, [email protected], 202-862-7157
Deputy Director of Economic Policy Studies: Michael R. Strain, [email protected], 202-862-7155
Associate, Media Relations: Megan Cahill, [email protected], 202-862-7155
AEI’s mission is “to defend the principles and improve the institutions of American freedom and democratic capitalism—limited government, private enterprise, individual liberty and responsibility, vigilant and effective defense and foreign policies, political accountability, and open debate.”
B Lab (Main Office)
155 East Lancaster Avenue, 2nd Floor
Wayne, PA 19087
Regional offices in NY, San Francisco, and Colorado
Jason Coen Gilbert, Co-Founder, [email protected], 610-293-0299
Bart Houlahan, Co-Founder, [email protected], 610-293-0299
Andrew Kassoy, Co-Founder, [email protected], 212-608-4150
B Lab is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that serves a global movement of entrepreneurs using the power of business to solve social and environmental problems. B Lab serves these entrepreneurs through three interrelated initiatives that provide them the Legal infrastructure and help them attract the customers, talent, and capital to scale.
The Conference Board
845 Third Avenue
New York, NY 10022-6600
(212) 339 0345
Washington D.C. Area Office
1530 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 400
Arlington, Virginia 22209
(202) 796-8551
Donna Dabney Executive Director Governance Center , (212) 339 0221
The Conference Board is a global, independent business membership and research association working in the public interest. Our mission is unique: To provide the world’s leading organizations with the practical knowledge they need to improve their performance and better serve society.
Drucker Institute
Claremont Graduate University
160 E. Tenth Street
Claremont, CA 91711
Rick Wartzman, Executive Director, (o) (909) 607-9212; (c ) (323) 896-0626
The mission of the Drucker Institute is to strengthen organizations to strengthen society. Throughout his work, Peter Drucker called for a healthy balance—between short-term needs and long-term sustainability; between profitability and other obligations; between the specific mission of individual organizations and the common good; between freedom and responsibility.
Employee Ownership Foundation
1726 M Street, NW, Suite 501
Washington DC, 20036
(202) 293-2971
Gwenn E. Rosenthal, Vice President, [email protected]
The Employee Ownership Foundation’s (EOF) primary purpose is to support programs that will increase the level of awareness and appreciation of the benefits of employee ownership and increase the number of employees who have access to this benefit.
ESOP Association
1726 M Street, NW, Suite 501
Washington, D.C., 20036
(202) 293.2971
Toll-Free: 1 (866) 366.3832
J. Michael Keeling, CAE, President [email protected]
Daniel L. Marcue, Chapter Development Officer [email protected]
The ESOP Association, founded in 1978, the largest employer-sponsored advocacy and education association focused on retirement savings in America, is a national non-profit membership organization, with 18 local Chapters, serving approximately 2,800 employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) companies, professionals with a commitment to ESOPs, and companies considering the implementation of an ESOP.
Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility
475 Riverside Drive, Suite 1842
New York, NY 10115
(212) 870-2295
fax: (212) 870-2023
[email protected]
Laura Berry, Executive Director, (212) 870-2294
, [email protected]
Susan McDermott, Director of communications, (212) 870-2938, [email protected]
Shareholders calling the world’s most powerful companies to address their impacts on the most vulnerable communities.
National Center for Employee Ownership (NCEO)
1629 Telegraph Ave., Suite 200
Oakland, CA 94612
(510) 208-1300
Corey Rosen, Co-founder and Senior Staff Member, [email protected] , (510) 208-1314
Loren Rodgers, Executive Director, [email protected], (510) 208-1307
The NCEO is a nonprofit membership and research organization that was founded in 1981 to provide the most objective and reliable information possible on employee ownership at the most affordable price possible.
New Economy Coalition
89 South Street, Suite 406
Boston, MA 02111
(617) 946-3200
Director of Communications and Online Organizing, Eli Feghali
Director of Programs, Rachel Plattus
The New Economy Coalition (NEC) is a network of organizations seeking to imagine and build a future where people, communities, and ecosystems thrive. NEC is seeking to create deep change in the economy and politics—placing power in the hands of the people.
New Economy Working Group
Institute for Policy Studies
1112 16th St., NW, Suite 600
Washington DC 20036
John Cavanagh, IPS Exec Director and Co-Chair New Economy Working Group, [email protected] (202)-787-5224, (202) 234-9382
David Korten, Co-Chair New Economy Working Group, IPS Assoc. Fellow
Noel Ortega, coordinator, New Economy Working Group
Rule$ Change
Bill Densmore, Principal Convener
75 Water St. Williamstown Mass. 01267
(c): 617-448-6600
[email protected]
The Rules Change Project is looking for people and institutions in the news for changing the way corporations and capitalism work for all stakeholders. Solutions Reporting about Capitalism and the Common Good.
Rutgers University, School of Management and Labor Relations
94 Rockafeller Road
Janice H. Levin Bldg.
New Brunswick, NJ 08540
Professor Joseph R. Blasi, [email protected], (848) 445-5444
Rutgers’ School of Management and Labor Relations (SMLR) is a source of expertise on the world of work, building effective and sustainable organizations, and the changing employment relationship.
United for a Fair Economy
1 Milk Street, 5th Floor
Boston, MA 02109
(617) 423-2148
Executive Director & Popular Educator, Jeannette Huezo
Director of Communications, Mike Leyba
Education Coordinator, Riahl O’Malley
Director, Tax Fairness Organizing Collaborative, Michael Young
“United for a Fair Economy challenges the concentration of wealth and power that corrupts democracy, deepens the racial divide, and tears communities apart. We use popular economics education, training, and creative communications to support social movements working for a resilient, sustainable, and equitable economy.”
U.S. PIRG (Public Interest Research Group)
294 Washington, St., Suite 500
Boston, MA 02108
(617) 747-4370
Executive Director: Andre Delattre
Consumer Program Director: Ed Mierzwinski
Democracy Campaign Director: Dan Smith
Colorado Public Interest Research Group
President, Chairman: Douglas H. Phelps
1543 Wazee St., Ste. 330
Denver, CO 80202
(303) 573-7474
U.S. PIRG is a consumer group that stands up to powerful interests whenever they threaten our health and safety, our financial security, or our right to fully participate in our democratic society. For decades, U.S. PIRG and its affiliates in most states have been advocates for consumers, countering the influence of big banks, insurers, chemical manufacturers, and other powerful special interests.
Vermont Employee Ownership Center
286 College Street
P.O. Box 546
Burlington, VT 05402
(802) 338-7448
Don Jamison, Executive Director [email protected] Matt Cropp, Program and Outreach Coordinator [email protected]
The Vermont Employee Ownership Center is a statewide non-profit whose mission is to promote and foster employee ownership in order to broaden capital ownership, deepen employee participation, retain jobs, increase living standards for working families, and stabilize communities. The center provides information and resources to owners interested in selling their business to their employees, employee groups interested in purchasing a business, and entrepreneurs who wish to start up a company with broadly shared ownership.
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