Getting Started

Step 1 - Start Locally ▾

• So look around your home community, find local allies and figure out what action you can take together.
• Check out the strategy of other groups that are working for reforms at the state and community level and making real headway. These local initiatives, working together, are building pressure for change at the national level.
Step 2 - Get Informed On the Issues ▾

• Get informed. We’ve organized this website to give you issue briefs on several important issues. You can check them out and see which issues resonate most with you.
• Get a briefing on issues crucial to restoring our democracy and reducing inequality.
• To zero in on your key issue, discuss several issues with friends, neighbors, classmates, your church group, PTA, Rotary or civic club, your bowling league or softball team or community center.

Step 3 - Learn from Success Stories ▾

• Remember, you can learn from the success strategies of other groups, even if they are working on different issues from yours .
• Click on these tabs to learn more about the success models to Amend the Constitution, Disclose Campaign $$$, Empower Voters: Public Campaign Funding, Foster Inclusive Capitalism, Raise Minimum Wages, and Relieve Student Debt.

Step 4 - Get Organized ▾
• Organize home get-togethers, group discussions and study sessions to gain allies and build support.
• Consider various strategies. Think about whether you want to influence your city or town council or your state legislature through demonstrations and face-to-face meetings with office-holders, or whether it makes more sense to mount a grass roots petition drive to put your issue on the ballot for a referendum in the next election.
• Check to see what state and local organizations are already at work on your priority issues and see whether you can join forces and work together.
• Click on the items below to see where people have achieved progress on your issue somewhere else in the US and how it got done. Much more is happening than you think on major issues such as Amend the Constitution, Disclose Campaign $$$, Empower Average Voters – Offset MegaMoney, Raise Minimum Wages, and Relieve Student Debt .
Voting rights are a major issue in the US today, with many Americans struggling to achieve progress on this important issue. However, despite the challenges, there are many inspiring examples of people who have successfully fought for their voting rights and made meaningful strides toward equality and justice.
Step 5 - Share Your Issue ▾
• Click here to see the information packages that we have put together on key issues – complete with an issue brief, progress report, success story, reading list and and a list of organizations where you can turn for help.
• Share our issue packets with your friends and your group: Amend the Constitution, Disclose Campaign $$$, Empower Average Voters –Offset MegaMoney, Raise Minimum Wages, and Relieve Student Debt.
• Click on these tabs for organizations that we have listed for you on: Amend the Constitution, Disclose Campaign $$$, Empower Average Voters – Offset MegaMoney, Raise Minimum Wages, and Relieve Student Debt.
Step 6 - Get Help ▾
• Check which national organizations have experience in organizing for reform and are already at work on your issue. We’ve given you contact information for reaching out to them to see if they can offer support for your movement.