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Expand Voting Rights

Expand Voting Rights
Organizations Working on This Issue
A variety of organizations advocate for stronger voting rights. Listed below are several major national organizations that work on this issue, providing Legal and other expertise as well as helping to organize campaigns state by state. The staffs and websites of these organizations provide a wealth of information and analysis about campaign finance reform on both the state and federal levels.
Ballot Ready
BallotReady is a non-partisan organization with the goal of helping voters request a ballot via state portal, email, or mail voters a paper copy of their completed application, along with a stamped and addressed envelope to send it on..
website: https://www.ballotready.org
CEO – Alex Niemcziewski
COO – Aviva Roman
Vote-by-Mail Coordinator – Becky Marvin
Brennan Center for Justice
New York University 161 Avenue of the Americas, 12th floor
New York, New York 10013
(626) 292-8310
President: Michael Waldman
The Brennan Center is a nonpartisan law and policy institute at New York University that seeks to improve our systems of democracy and justice. Its work ranges from voting rights to campaign finance reform, from racial justice in criminal law to Constitutional protection in the fight against terrorism.
Campaign Legal Center
1411 K St. NW, Suite 1400
Washington, DC 20005
202-736-2200 (o); (202) 736-2201 (o)
President and General Counsel – Trevor Potter
Executive Director, Gerry Hebert [email protected]
Policy Director, Meredith McGehee [email protected]
Senior Counsel on State Laws – Paul Seamus Ryan [email protected]
The Campaign Legal Center is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that protects and strengthens our democracy in the areas of campaign finance, voting rights, political communication, and government ethics.
Common Cause
1133 19th Street NW, 9th Floor
Washington, DC 20036
(202) 833-1200
President: Karen Hobert Flynn
Vice President for State Operations: Jenny Rose Flanagan
National Grassroots Organizer: Isabella Bronstein
Common Cause, is a nonpartisan citizen advocacy group that is fighting to ensure that every adult American has easy access to the ballot and that every vote is counted as cast. It works to strengthen laws that protect voting rights, make voting systems secure, reliable, and verifiable, and ensure that every voter has an equal say in elections. It has staff and chapters in 35 states and members in all 50 states. The Common Cause website has a map that you click on to see if there is a chapter near you.
220 Fifth Ave. 2nd Flr.
New York, NY 10001
(212) 633-1405
Heather McGhee, President
Demos means “the People.” It is a public policy organization working for an America where we all have an equal say in our democracy and an equal chance in our economy. It has nine specialists and experts working on Voting Rights and Voter Registration.
Fair Fight Action
61270 Caroline Street, NE
Suite D120-311
Atlanta, GA 30307
Founder & Chair: Stacey Abrams, 2018 Democratic candidate for governor of Georgia
CEO: Lauren Groh-Wargo
CFO/COO: Glenn Paul Freeman
Salena Jegede, Managing Director, Fair Fight Action
For General Inquiries: [email protected]
For Voting Related Issues: [email protected]
For Volunteering: [email protected]
Fair Fight promotes fair elections in Georgia and across the nation by encouraging voter participation in elections, educating citizens about their voting rights, and helping them to register and vote. Fair Fight advocates for election reform at all levels. It engages in voter mobilization and education activities. In addition, Fair Fight Action has mounted and continues to mount significant programs to combat voter suppression in Georgia and nationally.
6930 Carroll Avenue, Suite 610
Takoma Park, Maryland
Executive Director: Rob Richie, [email protected]
Development Director: Cynthia Terrell, [email protected]
FairVote seeks to make representative democracy fair, functional, and representative by developing the analysis and educational tools necessary for its reform partners to secure and sustain improvements to American elections. Operating since 1992, FairVote is a non-profit, non-partisan organization with a history of working with scholars, civic leaders, policymakers, and journalists from across the spectrum.
League of Women Voters
1730 M Street NW, Suite 1000
Washington, DC 200036-4508
(202) 429-1965
President: Elisabeth MacNamara
Chief Operating Officer: Anisa Tootia
Executive Director: Wylecia Wiggs Harris, [email protected]
Senior Director, Elections/E-Democracy: Jeanette Senecal, Senior Director, [email protected]
Program Manager, Elections/E-Democracy: Maggie Bush, Program Manager, [email protected]
Senior Director, Field Support/Membership: Cheryl Graeve, [email protected]
Senior Director, Communications: Kelly Cebalos, [email protected] (202) 263-1331
The League of Women Voters is committed to making democracy work for voters through programs of promoting voter registration, working to reduce the influence of large-donor money in political campaigns, and seeking to reform political gerrymandering that favors one party over the other or protects incumbent officeholders. It has combined forces with Common Cause and other organizations in organizing voter referendums and filing lawsuits.
National Vote at Home Institute
P.O.Box 65752,
Washington, DC 20035
[email protected]
The National Vote at Home Institute, also known as Vote at Home, is a nonprofit, nonpartisan 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to ensuring the security of our elections and putting voters’ needs first. It advocates for and seeks to help implement mail-in voting because it has found voting at home is a time-tested and proven way to bolster the security of elections, improve voter engagement and reduce election-related costs.≤/p≥
CEO: Amber McReynolds, former Director of Elections for Denver, Colorado.
National Policy Director: Audrey Kline
Director of Communications & Public Relations: Lucille Wenegieme
Executive Coordinator: Allie Conklin
Rock the Vote
1875 Connecticut Avenue NW, 10th Floor
Washington, DC 2009
(202) 719-9910
President: Carolyn DeWitt
Director of Marketing and Partnerships: Kiki Burger
Director of Civic Technology and Policy: Jen Tolentino
Rock the Vote is the largest nonprofit and nonpartisan organization in the United States devoted to the youth vote to the polls. The organization has pioneered ways to make voting easier for young adults by simplifying and demystifying voter registration and elections.
The United State Elections Project (Website)
223 Anderson Hall
P.O. Box 117325
Gainesville, FL 32611
Associate Professor University of Florida Department of Political Science (Principal Investigator): Michael P. McDonald, (352)-273-2371, [email protected]
The mission of the project is to provide timely and accurate election statistics, electoral laws, research reports, and other useful information regarding the United States electoral system. By providing this information, the project seeks to inform the people of the United States on how their electoral system works, how it may be improved, and how they can participate in it.
4096 Piedmont Ave. #368
Oakland, CA 9461
website: https://www.vote.org – The website offers a state by state rundown on voting regulations and other useful information.
Vote.org is a non-partisan, non-profit organization that uses technology to simplify political engagement, increase voter turnout, and strengthen American democracy. It offers tools for fast online voter registration, ways to verify your registration, get election reminders, learn how to vote by mail, or contact your local election office to locate your polling place, volunteer to serve as a poll worker, or obtain other useful voter information.
CEO – Andrea Hailey, philanthropist, civic activist
COO = Elizabeth Daigneau, media specialist
Director of Programs – Sydney Rose
Chief of Staff – Najaah Daniels
President Ronald Reagan: “For this Nation to remain true to its principles, we cannot allow any American’s vote to be denied, diluted, or defiled. The right to vote is the crown jewel of American liberties, and we will not see its luster diminished.”
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