Rigged Elections and Gerrymander Reform: Additional Readings

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A Citizen’s Guide to Redistricting, Justin Levitt (New York: Brennan Center for Justice, New York University school of Law, 2010)
Beyond Party Lines: Principles for Redistricting Reform, Sam Hirsch, Daniel Ortiz (Alexandria, VA: Reform Institute Publications, 2005)
Can the States Save Our Democracy?, Hedrick Smith, New York Times, (2016)
Extreme Maps Laura Royden and Michael Li New York: Brennan Center for Justice, New York University School of Law, 2017)
Gerrymandering (Documentary Film), Jeff Reichert, Producer-Director (2010)
Florida Court Finds Politics Determined District Lines, Nick Madigan, New York Times, (2015)
How Dark Money Helped Republicans Hold the House and Hurt Voters, Olga Pierce, Justin Elliott and Theodoric Meyer, ProPublica (2012)
How Republicans Rig the Game, Tim Dickinson, Rolling Stone (2013)
How to Turn Republicans and Democrats Into Americans: An insider’s six-step plan to fix Congress, Mickey Edwards, The Atlantic (2011)
Nationwide Implications Of A Supreme Court Ruling On Gerrymandering, Diane Rehm Show(July, 2015)
Partisan Gerrymandering and the Efficiency Gap, Nicholas O. Stephanopoulos and Eric M. MCGhee (Chicago: University of Chicago Law Review, 2014)
Policy Divisions Among Democrats And What They Mean For The Party, Diane Rehm Show (May, 2015)
Voting Rights – 50 Years After the Voting Rights Act, Richard Hasen (2015)
Redistricting by Formula: An Ohio Reform Experiment, Micah Altman & Michael P. McDonald (2014)
Redistricting Reform in the States: a 50-State Analysis, Joe Sroka (2011)
Revealing Preferences: Why Gerrymanders are Hard to Prove, and What to Do about It, Altman, Amos, McDonald & Smith (2015)
The Great Gerrymandering Debate, Ben Wofford, Brown Political Review (2014)
The Great Gerrymander of 2012, Sam Wang, New York Times (2013)
The GOP Targets State Legislatures: He who controls redistricting can control Congress. Karl Rove, 2010
This is the best explanation of gerrymandering you will ever see, Christopher Ingraham, The Washington Post, (2015)
How to steal an election: a visual guide, Christopher Ingraham, WA Post (2015)
Va. Redistricting Deal Protects Incumbents and Punishes Challengers, Critics Say, Washington Post, April 2, 2015.