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Tag Archives: Stock buybacks

Engine of Growth: Strong Middle Class Wages

Over the last three decades, we’ve lost something precious and essential in the American concept of capitalism – the idea that shared prosperity is good business and smart economics because it generates long-term economic growth and competitiveness for the nation as a whole. High economic inequality is a drag on economic growth, economic studies show. […]

Tax Cuts – Middle Class Boost or “Fake Math”?

Washington – With Republicans surfacing more details of their tax-cut package and debate sharpening over its likely impact, Trump’s top economist forecasts a boost of $4,000 in annual income for the typical American family but most economists don’t buy that estimate and Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer derides it as “fake math.” In fact, one […]

Inside The Tax-Cut = Job Growth Myth

Washington – Riding a tide of tax cuts and rising profits over four decades, the captains of Corporate America have shifted $1 trillion each year from the paychecks of middle class Americans into massive payoffs to Wall Street investors and CEO pay packages. And now they want you to believe, once again, that cutting corporate […]
