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Monthly Archives: March 2017

There’s another “Gerry-Roll” in Trump’s Horoscope

Washington – Trouble ahead on taxes and other priorities for President Trump and Speaker Paul Ryan from the Republican right-wing Freedom Caucus which successfully “Gerry-rolled” the supposed Powers-That-Be on health care. The president has warned the gang of GOP right-wing rebels that he’ll be gunning for them in 2018, if they don’t toe the party […]

What’s Trump Hiding?

In his short White House tenure, Donald J. Trump has set some kind of record for histrionic temper tantrums against the media — whether CNN, The Washington Post, The New York Times or, most recently, MSNBC for revealing his 2005 tax return. He’s actually pursuing a well-worn path of American presidents blaming the press for […]

The Civic Uprising of 2017

Highlights – Ralph Nader Interviews Hedrick Smith : “Certainly Trump didn’t intend to do this, nor did Steve Bannon, his Rasputin in the White House, but you know, accidentally and unintentionally, they have triggered and ignited a fire in the political prairies of this country.” “I don’t think we’ve seen this kind of electricity, this kind of […]
